If you would like to provide your web site visitors with a simple way to contact you from your web site, but really don't want to display your email address, this HTML form code may be what you're looking for.
You can create a simple form, as displayed below, to enable your visitors to send you comments, questions or whatever you'd like.
1.Log in to your dashboard--> layout
2.Click on "Add a Gadget".
Now Select "HTML/Java Sricpt"
3.Copy and Paste below code into it.
<FORM action="mailto:you@yourdomain.com" method="post" enctype="text/plain"><TABLE BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="4" WIDTH="90%"><TR><TD width="30%"><DIV align="right"><B>Name:</B></DIV></TD><TD width="70%"><INPUT type="text" name="name" size="20"></TD></TR><TR><TD><DIV align="right"><B>Email:</B></DIV></TD><TD><INPUT type="text" name="email" size="20"></TD></TR><TR><TD><DIV align="right"><B>Comment:</B></DIV></TD><TD><TEXTAREA name="comment" cols="30" wrap="virtual" rows="4"></TEXTAREA></TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD><TD><INPUT type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit"><INPUT type="reset" name="reset" value="Reset"></TD></TR></TABLE></FORM>
Note: Replace you@yourdomain.com with your real E-mail address.
4.Now Click Save.Your Email look like below one.
that a big help - thanks
not working for me, when i press submit nothing happens ... please help
I have created the form. But when someone try to submit their queries, MS Outlook is opening and message not received by me. Please tell me the solution.
I'm having the same problem - the form looks great, but as soon as you try to use it, my Mail software opens and displays the hidden email address!
Perfect post. Here’s a tool that lets youbuild all types of web forms with email alerts fast and without coding. Just point and clickhttp://www.caspio.com/online-database/features/web-forms-online.aspx
thanks for this form. im gonna use it!
thank you
oh my God. thanks ! this really helps me with my school project. i've been spending my whole day looking for this code. Thanks a lot ! I owe you :')