1.Log in to your dashboard--> layout- -> Edit HTML
2.Click on "Expand Widget Templates"
3.Scroll down to where you see this:
4.After the above code , copy and paste the code below:
<!-- SocialList.org BEGIN -->
<script type="text/javascript">
sociallist_url = location.href;
sociallist_title = document.title;
sociallist_text = '';
sociallist_tags = '';
</script><script type="text/javascript" src="http://sociallist.org/widget.js?type=1&cols=3&rows=5&button_dx=300&button_dy=50&lang=en"></script>
<a href="http://sociallist.org/submit.php?type=1&lang=en&url=refpage&title=refpage&tag=refpage&text=refpage" target="_blank" title="Bookmark this Website"><img src="http://sociallist.org/buttons/en300x50.gif" border="0" width="300" height="50" alt="Bookmark" /></a>
<!-- SocialList.org END -->
5.Click on "Save Templates" and refresh your site.