How To Add MooTools Tooltip to blogger

Posted by Lasantha Bandara File Under : mootools 0 Comment

1.Login to your blogger dashboard--> layout- -> Edit HTML

2.Scroll down to where you see </head> tag .

3.Copy below code and paste it just before the </head> tag .

<script type='text/javascript'>

// mootools.js: moo javascript tools
// by Valerio Proietti ( MIT-style license.


// Class is slightly based on Base.js :
//  (c) 2006 Dean Edwards, License:

// Some functions are based on those found in prototype.js :
//  (c) 2005 Sam Stephenson <>, MIT-style license

//moo.js : My Object Oriented javascript - has no dependancies

var Class = function(properties){
var klass = function(){
for (p in this) this[p]._proto_ = this;
if (arguments[0] != 'noinit' && this.initialize) return this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
klass.extend = this.extend;
klass.implement = this.implement;
klass.prototype = properties;
return klass;

Class.empty = function(){};

Class.create = function(properties){
return new Class(properties);

Class.prototype = {
extend: function(properties){
var prototype = new this('noinit');
for (property in properties){
var previous = prototype[property];
var current = properties[property];
if (previous && previous != current) current = previous.parentize(current) || current;
prototype[property] = current;
return new Class(prototype);

implement: function(properties){
for (property in properties) this.prototype[property] = properties[property];

Object.extend = function(){
var args = arguments;
if (args[1]) args = [args[0], args[1]];
else args = [this, args[0]];
for (property in args[1]) args[0][property] = args[1][property];
return args[0];

Object.Native = function(){
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) arguments[i].extend = Class.prototype.implement;

new Object.Native(Function, Array, String);

parentize: function(current){
var previous = this;
return function(){
this.parent = previous;
return current.apply(this, arguments);

//Function.js : Function extension - Depends on Moo.js


pass: function(args, bind){
var fn = this;
if ($type(args) != 'array') args = [args];
return function(){
fn.apply(bind || fn._proto_ || fn, args);

bind: function(bind){
var fn = this;
return function(){
return fn.apply(bind, arguments);

bindAsEventListener: function(bind){
var fn = this;
return function(event){, event || window.event);
return false;

delay: function(ms, bind){
return setTimeout(this.bind(bind || this._proto_ || this), ms);

periodical: function(ms, bind){
return setInterval(this.bind(bind || this._proto_ || this), ms);


function $clear(timer){
return null;

function $type(obj, types){
if (!obj) return false;
var type = false;
if (obj instanceof Function) type = 'function';
else if (obj.nodeName){
if (obj.nodeType == 3 && !/\S/.test(obj.nodeValue)) type = 'textnode';
else if (obj.nodeType == 1) type = 'element';
else if (obj instanceof Array) type = 'array';
else if (typeof obj == 'object') type = 'object';
else if (typeof obj == 'string') type = 'string';
else if (typeof obj == 'number' && isFinite(obj)) type = 'number';
return type;

function $check(obj, objTrue, objFalse){
if (obj) {
if (objTrue && $type(objTrue) == 'function') return objTrue();
else return objTrue || obj;
} else {
if (objFalse && $type(objFalse) == 'function') return objFalse();
return objFalse || false;

var Chain = new Class({

chain: function(fn){
this.chains = this.chains || [];
return this;

callChain: function(){
if (this.chains && this.chains.length) this.chains.splice(0, 1)[0].delay(10, this);


//Array.js : Array extension - depends on Moo.js

if (!Array.prototype.forEach){
Array.prototype.forEach = function(fn, bind){
for(var i = 0; i < this.length ; i++), this[i], i);


each: Array.prototype.forEach,

copy: function(){
var nArray = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) nArray.push(this[i]);
return nArray;

remove: function(item){
for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++){
if (this[i] == item) this.splice(i, 1);
return this;

test: function(item){
for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++){
if (this[i] == item) return true;
return false;

extend: function(nArray){
for (var i = 0; i < nArray.length; i++) this.push(nArray[i]);
return this;


function $A(array){

//String.js : String extension - depends on Moo.js


test: function(value, params){
return this.match(new RegExp(value, params));

camelCase: function(){
return this.replace(/-\D/gi, function(match){
return match.charAt(match.length - 1).toUpperCase();

capitalize: function(){
return this.toLowerCase().replace(/\b[a-z]/g, function(match){
return match.toUpperCase();

trim: function(){
return this.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g,'');

clean: function(){
return this.replace(/\s\s/g, ' ').trim();

rgbToHex: function(array){
var rgb = this.test('^[rgba]{3,4}\\(([\\d]{0,3}),[\\s]*([\\d]{0,3}),[\\s]*([\\d]{0,3})\\)$');
var hex = [];
for (var i = 1; i < rgb.length; i++) hex.push((rgb[i]-0).toString(16));
var hexText = '#'+hex.join('');
if (array) return hex;
else return hexText;

hexToRgb: function(array){
var hex = this.test('^[#]{0,1}([\\w]{1,2})([\\w]{1,2})([\\w]{1,2})$');
var rgb = [];
for (var i = 1; i < hex.length; i++){
if (hex[i].length == 1) hex[i] += hex[i];
rgb.push(parseInt(hex[i], 16));
var rgbText = 'rgb('+rgb.join(',')+')';
if (array) return rgb;
else return rgbText;


//Element.js : Element methods - depends on Moo.js + Native Scripts

var Element = new Class({


initialize: function(el){
if ($type(el) == 'string') el = document.createElement(el);
return $(el);


inject: function(el, where){
var el = $check($(el), $(el), new Element(el));
case "before": $(el.parentNode).insertBefore(this, el); break;
case "after": {
if (!el.getNext()) $(el.parentNode).appendChild(this);
else $(el.parentNode).insertBefore(this, el.getNext());
} break;
case "inside": el.appendChild(this); break;
return this;

injectBefore: function(el){
return this.inject(el, 'before');

injectAfter: function(el){
return this.inject(el, 'after');

injectInside: function(el){
return this.inject(el, 'inside');

adopt: function(el){
var el = $check($(el), $(el), new Element(el));
return this;


remove: function(){

clone: function(){
return $(this.cloneNode(true));

replaceWith: function(el){
var el = $check($(el), $(el), new Element(el));
this.parentNode.replaceChild(el, this);
return el;

appendText: function(text){
if (this.getTag() == 'style' && window.ActiveXObject) this.styleSheet.cssText = text;
else this.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text));
return this;


hasClassName: function(className){
return $check(this.className.test("\\b"+className+"\\b"), true);

addClassName: function(className){
if (!this.hasClassName(className)) this.className = (this.className+' '+className.trim()).clean();
return this;

removeClassName: function(className){
if (this.hasClassName(className)) this.className = this.className.replace(className.trim(), '').clean();
return this;

toggleClassName: function(className){
if (this.hasClassName(className)) return this.removeClassName(className);
else return this.addClassName(className);


setStyle: function(property, value){
if (property == 'opacity') this.setOpacity(value);
else[property.camelCase()] = value;
return this;

setStyles: function(source){
if ($type(source) == 'object') {
for (property in source) this.setStyle(property, source[property]);
} else if ($type(source) == 'string') this.setAttribute('style', source);
return this;

setOpacity: function(opacity){
if (opacity == 0 && != "hidden") = "hidden";
else if ( != "visible") = "visible";
if (window.ActiveXObject) = "alpha(opacity=" + opacity*100 + ")"; = opacity;
return this;

getStyle: function(property, num){
var proPerty = property.camelCase();
var style = $check([proPerty]);
if (!style) {
if (document.defaultView) style = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(this,null).getPropertyValue(property);
else if (this.currentStyle) style = this.currentStyle[proPerty];
if (style && ['color', 'backgroundColor', 'borderColor'].test(proPerty) && style.test('rgb')) style = style.rgbToHex();
if (['auto', 'transparent'].test(style)) style = 0;
if (num) return parseInt(style);
else return style;

removeStyles: function(){
$A(arguments).each(function(property){[property.camelCase()] = '';
}, this);
return this;


addEvent: function(action, fn){
this[action+fn] = fn.bind(this);
if (this.addEventListener) this.addEventListener(action, fn, false);
else this.attachEvent('on'+action, this[action+fn]);
var el = this;
if (this != window) Unload.functions.push(function(){
el.removeEvent(action, fn);
el[action+fn] = null;
return this;

removeEvent: function(action, fn){
if (this.removeEventListener) this.removeEventListener(action, fn, false);
else this.detachEvent('on'+action, this[action+fn]);
return this;

//get non-text elements

getBrother: function(what){
var el = this[what+'Sibling'];
while ($type(el) == 'textnode') el = el[what+'Sibling'];
return $(el);

getPrevious: function(){
return this.getBrother('previous');

getNext: function(){
return this.getBrother('next');

getFirst: function(){
var el = this.firstChild;
while ($type(el) == 'textnode') el = el.nextSibling;
return $(el);


setProperty: function(property, value){
var el = false;
case 'class': this.className = value; break;
case 'style': this.setStyles(value); break;
case 'name': if (window.ActiveXObject && this.getTag() == 'input'){
el = $(document.createElement('<input name="'+value+'" />'));
if ( != 'name') el.setProperty(, attribute.value);

if (this.parentNode) this.replaceWith(el);
default: this.setAttribute(property, value);
return el || this;

setProperties: function(source){
for (property in source) this.setProperty(property, source[property]);
return this;

setHTML: function(html){
this.innerHTML = html;
return this;

getProperty: function(property){
return this.getAttribute(property);

getTag: function(){
return this.tagName.toLowerCase();


getOffset: function(what){
what = what.capitalize();
var el = this;
var offset = 0;
do {
offset += el['offset'+what] || 0;
el = el.offsetParent;
} while (el);
return offset;

getTop: function(){
return this.getOffset('top');

getLeft: function(){
return this.getOffset('left');


function $Element(el, method, args){
if ($type(args) != 'array') args = [args];
return Element.prototype[method].apply(el, args);

new Object.Native(Element);

function $(el){
if ($type(el) == 'string') el = document.getElementById(el);
if ($type(el) == 'element'){
if (!el.extend){
el.extend = Object.extend;
return el;
} else return false;

//garbage collector

window.addEvent = Element.prototype.addEvent;
window.removeEvent = Element.prototype.removeEvent;

var Unload = {

elements: [], functions: [], vars: [],

unload: function(){

window.removeEvent('unload', window.removeFunction);

for(p in Element.prototype){
window[p] = null;
document[p] = null;
el[p] = null;
el.extend = null;

window.removeFunction = Unload.unload;
window.addEvent('unload', window.removeFunction);

//Fx.js - depends on Moo.js + Native Scripts

var Fx = fx = {};

Fx.Base = new Class({

setOptions: function(options){
this.options = Object.extend({
duration: 500,
onComplete: Class.empty,
onStart: Class.empty,
unit: 'px',
wait: true,
transition: Fx.sinoidal,
fps: 30
}, options || {});

step: function(){
var currentTime  = (new Date).getTime();
if (currentTime >= this.options.duration+this.startTime){
this.clearTimer(); =;
this.options.onComplete.pass(this.el, this).delay(10);
} else {
this.tPos = (currentTime - this.startTime) / this.options.duration;

setNow: function(){ = this.compute(this.from,;

compute: function(from, to){
return this.options.transition(this.tPos) * (to-from) + from;

custom: function(from, to){
if(!this.options.wait) this.clearTimer();
if (this.timer) return;
this.options.onStart.pass(this.el, this).delay(10);
this.from = from; = to;
this.startTime = (new Date).getTime();
this.timer = this.step.periodical(Math.round(1000/this.options.fps), this);
return this;

set: function(to){ = to;
return this;

clearTimer: function(){
this.timer = $clear(this.timer);
return this;

setStyle: function(el, property, value){
if (property == 'opacity'){
if (value == 1 && navigator.userAgent.test('Firefox')) value = 0.9999;
} else el.setStyle(property, value+this.options.unit);


Fx.Base.implement(new Chain);

Fx.Style = Fx.Base.extend({

initialize: function(el, property, options){
this.el = $(el);
this.setOptions(options); = property.camelCase();

hide: function(){
return this.set(0);

goTo: function(val){
return this.custom( || 0, val);

increase: function(){


Fx.Layout = Fx.Style.extend({

initialize: function(el, layout, options){
this.parent(el, layout, options);
this.layout = layout.capitalize();
this.el.setStyle('overflow', 'hidden');

toggle: function(){
if (this.el['offset'+this.layout] > 0) return this.custom(this.el['offset'+this.layout], 0);
else return this.custom(0, this.el['scroll'+this.layout]);

show: function(){
return this.set(this.el['scroll'+this.layout]);


Fx.Height = Fx.Layout.extend({

initialize: function(el, options){
this.parent(el, 'height', options);


Fx.Width = Fx.Layout.extend({

initialize: function(el, options){
this.parent(el, 'width', options);


Fx.Opacity = Fx.Style.extend({

initialize: function(el, options){
this.parent(el, 'opacity', options); = 1;

toggle: function(){
if ( > 0) return this.custom(1, 0);
else return this.custom(0, 1);

show: function(){



effect: function(property, options){
return new Fx.Style(this, property, options);


Fx.sinoidal = function(pos){return ((-Math.cos(pos*Math.PI)/2) + 0.5);}; //this transition is from

Fx.linear = function(pos){return pos;};

Fx.cubic = function(pos){return Math.pow(pos, 3);};

Fx.circ = function(pos){return Math.sqrt(pos);};

//SuperDom.js - depends on Moo.js + Native Scripts

function $S(){
var els = [];
if ($type(sel) == 'string') els.extend(document.getElementsBySelector(sel));
else if ($type(sel) == 'element') els.push($(sel));
return $$(els);

function $E(selector, filter){
return ($(filter) || document).getElement(selector);

function $$(elements){
return Object.extend(elements, new Elements);


getElements: function(selector){
var filters = [];
selector.clean().split(' ').each(function(sel, i){
var bits = [];
var param = [];
var attr = [];
if (bits = sel.test('^([\\w]*)')) param['tag'] = bits[1] || '*';
if (bits = sel.test('([.#]{1})([\\w-]*)$')){
if (bits[1] == '.') param['class'] = bits[2];
else param['id'] = bits[2];
if (bits = sel.test('\\[["\'\\s]{0,1}([\\w-]*)["\'\\s]{0,1}([\\W]{0,1}=){0,2}["\'\\s]{0,1}([\\w-]*)["\'\\s]{0,1}\\]$')){
attr['name'] = bits[1];
attr['operator'] = bits[2];
attr['value'] = bits[3];
if (i == 0){
if (param['id']){
var el = this.getElementById(param['id']);
if (el && (param['tag'] == '*' || $(el).getTag() == param['tag'])) filters = [el];
else return false;
} else {
filters = $A(this.getElementsByTagName(param['tag']));
} else {
filters = $$(filters).filterByTagName(param['tag']);
if (param['id']) filters = $$(filters).filterById(param['id']);
if (param['class']) filters = $$(filters).filterByClassName(param['class']);
if (attr['name']) filters = $$(filters).filterByAttribute(attr['name'], attr['value'], attr['operator']);

}, this);
return $$(filters);

getElement: function(selector){
return this.getElementsBySelector(selector)[0];

getElementsBySelector: function(selector){
var els = [];
}, this);
return $$(els);


document.extend = Object.extend;


getElementsByClassName: function(className){
return document.getElements('.'+className);
getElement: Element.prototype.getElement,
getElements: Element.prototype.getElements,
getElementsBySelector: Element.prototype.getElementsBySelector


var Elements = new Class({

action: function(actions){
el = $(el);
if (actions.initialize) actions.initialize.apply(el);
for(action in actions){
var evt = false;
if (action.test('^on[\\w]{1,}')) el[action] = actions[action];
else if (evt = action.test('([\\w-]{1,})event$')) el.addEvent(evt[1], actions[action]);

filterById: function(id){
var found = [];
if ( == id) found.push(el);
return found;

filterByClassName: function(className){
var found = [];
if ($Element(el, 'hasClassName', className)) found.push(el);
return found;

filterByTagName: function(tagName){
var found = [];
return found;

filterByAttribute: function(name, value, operator){
var found = [];
var att = el.getAttribute(name);
if(!att) return;
if (!operator) return found.push(el);

case '*=': if (att.test(value)) found.push(el); break;
case '=': if (att == value) found.push(el); break;
case '^=': if (att.test('^'+value)) found.push(el); break;
case '$=': if (att.test(value+'$')) found.push(el);

return found;


new Object.Native(Elements);

//Ajax.js - depends on Moo.js + Native Scripts

var Ajax = ajax = new Class({

setOptions: function(options){
this.options = {
method: 'post',
postBody: '',
async: true,
onComplete: Class.empty,
update: null,
evalScripts: false
Object.extend(this.options, options || {});

initialize: function(url, options){
this.url = url;
this.transport = this.getTransport();

request: function(){, this.url, this.options.async);
this.transport.onreadystatechange = this.onStateChange.bind(this);
if (this.options.method == 'post'){
this.transport.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
if (this.transport.overrideMimeType) this.transport.setRequestHeader('Connection', 'close');
case 'element': this.options.postBody = $(this.options.postBody).toQueryString(); break;
case 'object': this.options.postBody = Object.toQueryString(this.options.postBody);
if($type(this.options.postBody) == 'string') this.transport.send(this.options.postBody);
else this.transport.send();
return this;

onStateChange: function(){
if (this.transport.readyState == 4 && this.transport.status == 200){
if (this.options.update) $(this.options.update).setHTML(this.transport.responseText);
this.options.onComplete.pass([this.transport.responseText, this.transport.responseXML], this).delay(20);
if (this.options.evalScripts) this.evalScripts.delay(30, this);
this.transport.onreadystatechange = Class.empty;

evalScripts: function(){
if(scripts = this.transport.responseText.match(/<script[^>]*?>.*?<\/script>/g)){
eval(script.replace(/^<script[^>]*?>/, '').replace(/<\/script>$/, ''));

getTransport: function(){
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) return new XMLHttpRequest();
else if (window.ActiveXObject) return new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');


Ajax.implement(new Chain);

Object.toQueryString = function(source){
var queryString = [];
for (property in source) queryString.push(encodeURIComponent(property)+'='+encodeURIComponent(source[property]));
return queryString.join('&');


send: function(options){
options = Object.extend(options, {postBody: this.toQueryString(), method: 'post'});
return new Ajax(this.getProperty('action'), options).request();

toQueryString: function(){
var queryString = [];
var name = $check(;
if (!name) return;
var value = false;
case 'select': value = el.getElementsByTagName('option')[el.selectedIndex].value; break;
case 'input': if ( (el.checked && ['checkbox', 'radio'].test(el.type)) || (['hidden', 'text', 'password'].test(el.type)) )
value = el.value; break;
case 'textarea': value = el.value;
if (value) queryString.push(encodeURIComponent(name)+'='+encodeURIComponent(value));
return queryString.join('&');


//DragDrop.js - depends on Moo.js + Native Scripts

var Drag = {};

Drag.Base = new Class({

setOptions: function(options){
this.options = Object.extend({
handle: false,
unit: 'px',
onStart: Class.empty,
onComplete: Class.empty,
onDrag: Class.empty
}, options || {});

initialize: function(el, xModifier, yModifier, options){
this.el = $(el);
this.handle = $(this.options.handle) || el;
if (xModifier) this.xp = xModifier.camelCase();
if (yModifier) this.yp = yModifier.camelCase();
this.handle.onmousedown = this.start.bind(this);

start: function(evt){
evt = evt || window.event;
this.startX = evt.clientX;
this.startY = evt.clientY;
this.options.onStart.pass(this.el, this).delay(10);
document.onmousemove = this.drag.bind(this);
document.onmouseup = this.end.bind(this);
return false;

addStyles: function(x, y){
if (this.xp) this.el.setStyle(this.xp, (this.el.getStyle(this.xp, true)+x)+this.options.unit);
if (this.yp) this.el.setStyle(this.yp, (this.el.getStyle(this.yp, true)+y)+this.options.unit);

drag: function(evt){
evt = evt || window.event;
this.clientX = evt.clientX;
this.clientY = evt.clientY;
this.options.onDrag.pass(this.el, this).delay(5);
this.addStyles((this.clientX-this.lastMouseX), (this.clientY-this.lastMouseY));
return false;

pause: function(){
this.handle.onmousedown = null;

resume: function(){
this.handle.onmousedown = this.start.bind(this);

set: function(evt){
this.lastMouseX = evt.clientX;
this.lastMouseY = evt.clientY;
return false;

end: function(){
document.onmousemove = null;
document.onmouseup = null;
this.options.onComplete.pass(this.el, this).delay(10);


Drag.Move = Drag.Base.extend({

extendOptions: function(options){
this.options = Object.extend(this.options || {}, Object.extend({
onSnap: Class.empty,
droppables: [],
snapDistance: 8,
snap: true,
xModifier: 'left',
yModifier: 'top'
}, options || {}));

initialize: function(el, options){
this.parent(el, this.options.xModifier, this.options.yModifier, this.options);

start: function(evt){
if (this.options.snap){
document.onmousemove = this.checkAndDrag.bind(this);
} else {
document.onmousemove = this.drag.bind(this);
return false;

drag: function(evt){
if (this.checkAgainst(drop)){
if (drop.onOver && !drop.dropping) drop.onOver.pass([this.el, this], drop).delay(10);
drop.dropping = true;
} else {
if (drop.onLeave && drop.dropping) drop.onLeave.pass([this.el, this], drop).delay(10);
drop.dropping = false;
}, this);
return false;

checkAndDrag: function(evt){
evt = evt || window.event;
var distance = Math.round(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(evt.clientX - this.startX, 2)+Math.pow(evt.clientY - this.startY, 2)));
if (distance > this.options.snapDistance){
this.options.onSnap.pass(this.el, this).delay(10);
document.onmousemove = this.drag.bind(this);
this.addStyles(-(this.startX-evt.clientX), -(this.startY-evt.clientY));
return false;

checkAgainst: function(drop){
x = this.clientX+Window.getScrollLeft();
y = this.clientY+Window.getScrollTop();
drop = $(drop);
var h = drop.offsetHeight;
var w = drop.offsetWidth;
var t = drop.getTop();
var l = drop.getLeft();
return $check((x > l && x < l+w && y < t+h && y > t));

end: function(){
if (drop.onDrop && this.checkAgainst(drop)) drop.onDrop.pass([this.el, this], drop).delay(10);
}, this);



makeDraggable: function(options){
return new Drag.Move(this, options);

makeResizable: function(options){
return new Drag.Base(this, 'width', 'height', options);


//Window.js : additional Window methods - depends on Moo.js + Function.js

var Window = {

extend: Object.extend,

getWidth: function(){
return window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || 0;

getHeight: function(){
return window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight || 0;

getScrollHeight: function(){
return document.documentElement.scrollHeight;

getScrollWidth: function(){
return document.documentElement.scrollWidth;

getScrollTop: function(){
return document.documentElement.scrollTop || window.pageYOffset || 0;

getScrollLeft: function(){
return document.documentElement.scrollLeft || window.pageXOffset || 0;

onLoad: function(fn){
if (!document.body) return Window.onLoad.pass(fn).delay(50);
else return fn();

//Cookie.js : Cookie creator. yummy! - depends on Moo.js + Function.js
//Credits: based on the functions by Peter-Paul Koch (

var Cookie = {

set: function(key, value, duration){
var date = new Date();
date.setTime(date.getTime()+((duration || 365)*86400000));
document.cookie = key+"="+value+"; expires="+date.toGMTString()+"; path=/";

get: function(key){
var myValue, myVal;
if(myVal = cookie.trim().test(key+'=(.*)')) myValue = myVal[1];
return myValue;

remove: function(key){
this.set(key, '', -1);


//Json.js - depends on Moo.js + Native Scripts

var Json = {
toString: function(el){
var string = [];

var isArray = function(array){
var string = [];
return string.join(',');

var isObject = function(object){
var string = [];
for (property in object) string.push('"'+property+'":'+Json.toString(object[property]));
return string.join(',');

case 'string': string.push('"'+el+'"'); break;
case 'function': string.push(el); break;
case 'object': string.push('{'+isObject(el)+'}'); break;
case 'array': string.push('['+isArray(el)+']');

return string.join(',');

evaluate: function(str){
return eval('(' + str + ')');

//Sortables.js : Make any list sortable. Depends on Moo.js + Native Scripts + DragDrop.js + Fx.js

var Sortables = new Class({

setOptions: function(options) {
this.options = {
handles: false,
fxDuration: 250,
fxTransition: Fx.sinoidal,
maxOpacity: 0.5
Object.extend(this.options, options || {});

initialize: function(elements, options){
this.options.handles = this.options.handles || elements;
var trash = new Element('div').injectInside($(document.body));
$A(elements).each(function(el, i){
var copy = $(el).clone().setStyles({
'position': 'absolute',
'opacity': '0',
'display': 'none'
var elEffect = el.effect('opacity', {duration: this.options.fxDuration, wait: false, transition: this.options.fxTransition}).set(1);
var copyEffects = copy.effects({
duration: this.options.fxDuration,
wait: false,
transition: this.options.fxTransition,
onComplete: function(){
copy.setStyle('display', 'none');
var dragger = new Drag.Move(copy, {
xModifier: false,
onStart: function(){
 'display': 'block',
 'opacity': this.options.maxOpacity,
 'top': el.getTop()+'px',
 'left': el.getLeft()+'px'
elEffect.custom(, this.options.maxOpacity);
onComplete: function(){
copyEffects.custom({'opacity': [this.options.maxOpacity, 0], 'top': [copy.getTop(), el.getTop()]});
elEffect.custom(, 1);
onDrag: function(){
if ( el.getPrevious() && copy.getTop() < (el.getPrevious().getTop()) ) el.injectBefore(el.getPrevious());
else if ( el.getNext() && copy.getTop() > (el.getNext().getTop()) ) el.injectAfter(el.getNext());
this.options.handles[i].onmousedown = dragger.start.bind(dragger);
}, this);


//FxPack.js - depends on Moo.js + Native Scripts + Fx.js

Fx.Styles = Fx.Base.extend({

initialize: function(el, options){
this.el = $(el);
this.setOptions(options); = {};

setNow: function(){
for (p in this.from)[p] = this.compute(this.from[p],[p]);

custom: function(objFromTo){
var from = {};
var to = {};
for (p in objFromTo){
from[p] = objFromTo[p][0];
to[p] = objFromTo[p][1];
return this.parent(from, to);

resizeTo: function(hto, wto){
return this.custom({'height': [this.el.offsetHeight, hto], 'width': [this.el.offsetWidth, wto]});

resizeBy: function(hby, wby){
return this.custom({'height': [this.el.offsetHeight, this.el.offsetHeight+hby], 'width': [this.el.offsetWidth, this.el.offsetWidth+wby]});

increase: function(){
for (p in this.setStyle(this.el, p,[p]);


//fx.Color, originally by Tom Jensen ( MIT-style LICENSE.

Fx.Color = Fx.Base.extend({

initialize: function(el, property, options){
this.el = $(el);
this.setOptions(options); = property.camelCase(); = [];

custom: function(from, to){
return this.parent(from.hexToRgb(true), to.hexToRgb(true));

setNow: function(){
[0,1,2].each(function(i){[i] = Math.round(this.compute(this.from[i],[i]));
}, this);

increase: function(){
this.el.setStyle(, "rgb("[0]+","[1]+","[2]+")");

fromColor: function(color){
return this.custom(color, this.el.getStyle(;

toColor: function(color){
return this.custom(this.el.getStyle(, color);



effects: function(options){
return new Fx.Styles(this, options);


//Easing Equations (c) 2003 Robert Penner, all rights reserved.
//This work is subject to the terms in

Fx.expoIn = function(pos){return Math.pow(2, 10 * (pos - 1))};
Fx.expoOut = function(pos){return (-Math.pow(2, -10 * pos) + 1)};

Fx.quadIn = function(pos){return Math.pow(pos, 2)};
Fx.quadOut = function(pos){return -(pos)*(pos-2)};

Fx.circOut = function(pos){return Math.sqrt(1 - Math.pow(pos-1,2))};
Fx.circIn = function(pos){return -(Math.sqrt(1 - Math.pow(pos, 2)) - 1)};

Fx.backIn = function(pos){return (pos)*pos*((2.7)*pos - 1.7)};
Fx.backOut = function(pos){return ((pos-1)*(pos-1)*((2.7)*(pos-1) + 1.7) + 1)};

Fx.sineOut = function(pos){return Math.sin(pos * (Math.PI/2))};
Fx.sineIn = function(pos){return -Math.cos(pos * (Math.PI/2)) + 1};
Fx.sineInOut = function(pos){return -(Math.cos(Math.PI*pos) - 1)/2};

//scriptaculous transitions
Fx.wobble = function(pos){return (-Math.cos(pos*Math.PI*(9*pos))/2) + 0.5};
Fx.pulse = function(pos){return (Math.floor(pos*10) % 2 == 0 ? (pos*10-Math.floor(pos*10)) : 1-(pos*10-Math.floor(pos*10)))};

//Tips.js : Display a tip on any element with a title and/or href - depends on Moo.js + Native Scripts +  Fx.js
//Credits : Tips.js is based on Bubble Tooltips ( by Alessandro Fulcitiniti (

var Tips = new Class({

setOptions: function(options){
this.options = {
transitionStart: fx.sinoidal,
transitionEnd: fx.sinoidal,
maxTitleChars: 30,
fxDuration: 150,
maxOpacity: 1,
timeOut: 100,
className: 'tooltip'
Object.extend(this.options, options || {});

initialize: function(elements, options){
this.elements = elements;
this.toolTip = new Element('div').addClassName(this.options.className).setStyle('position', 'absolute').injectInside(document.body);
this.toolTitle = new Element('H4').injectInside(this.toolTip);
this.toolText = new Element('p').injectInside(this.toolTip);
this.fx = new fx.Style(this.toolTip, 'opacity', {duration: this.options.fxDuration, wait: false}).hide();
$(el).myText = $check(el.title);
if (el.myText) el.removeAttribute('title');
if (el.href){
if (el.href.test('http://')) el.myTitle = el.href.replace('http://', '');
if (el.href.length > this.options.maxTitleChars) el.myTitle = el.href.substr(0,this.options.maxTitleChars-3)+"...";
if (el.myText && el.myText.test('::')){
var dual = el.myText.split('::');
el.myTitle = dual[0].trim();
el.myText = dual[1].trim();
el.onmouseover = function(){;
return false;
el.onmousemove = this.locate.bindAsEventListener(this);
el.onmouseout = function(){
this.timer = $clear(this.timer);
}, this);

show: function(el){
this.toolTitle.innerHTML = el.myTitle;
this.toolText.innerHTML = el.myText;
this.timer = $clear(this.timer);
this.fx.options.transition = this.options.transitionStart;
this.timer = this.appear.delay(this.options.timeOut, this);

appear: function(){
this.fx.custom(, this.options.maxOpacity);

locate: function(evt){
var doc = document.documentElement;
this.toolTip.setStyles({'top': evt.clientY + doc.scrollTop + 15 + 'px', 'left': evt.clientX + doc.scrollLeft - 30 + 'px'});

disappear: function(){
this.fx.options.transition = this.options.transitionEnd;
this.fx.custom(, 0);


//Accordion.js - depends on Moo.js + Native Scripts + Fx.js

Fx.Elements = Fx.Base.extend({

initialize: function(elements, options){
this.elements = [];
}, this);
this.setOptions(options); = {};

setNow: function(){
for (i in this.from){
var iFrom = this.from[i];
var iTo =[i];
var iNow =[i] = {};
for (p in iFrom) iNow[p] = this.compute(iFrom[p], iTo[p]);

custom: function(objObjs){
var from = {};
var to = {};
for (i in objObjs){
var iProps = objObjs[i];
var iFrom = from[i] = {};
var iTo = to[i] = {};
for (prop in iProps){
iFrom[prop] = iProps[prop][0];
iTo[prop] = iProps[prop][1];
return this.parent(from, to);

increase: function(){
for (i in{
var iNow =[i];
for (p in iNow) this.setStyle(this.elements[parseInt(i)-1], p, iNow[p]);


Fx.Accordion = Fx.Elements.extend({

extendOptions: function(options){
Object.extend(this.options, Object.extend({
start: 'open-first',
fixedHeight: false,
fixedWidth: false,
alwaysHide: false,
wait: false,
onActive: Class.empty,
onBackground: Class.empty,
height: true,
opacity: true,
width: false
}, options || {}));

initialize: function(togglers, elements, options){
this.parent(elements, options);
this.previousClick = 'nan';
togglers.each(function(tog, i){
$(tog).addEvent('click', function(){this.showThisHideOpen(i)}.bind(this));
}, this);
this.togglers = togglers;
this.h = {}; this.w = {}; this.o = {};
this.elements.each(function(el, i){[i+1] = {};
$(el).setStyles({'height': 0, 'overflow': 'hidden'});
}, this);
case 'first-open': this.elements[0].setStyle('height', this.elements[0].scrollHeight); break;
case 'open-first': this.showThisHideOpen(0); break;

hideThis: function(i){
if (this.options.height) this.h = {'height': [this.elements[i].offsetHeight, 0]};
if (this.options.width) this.w = {'width': [this.elements[i].offsetWidth, 0]};
if (this.options.opacity) this.o = {'opacity': [[i+1]['opacity'] || 1, 0]};

showThis: function(i){
if (this.options.height) this.h = {'height': [this.elements[i].offsetHeight, this.options.fixedHeight || this.elements[i].scrollHeight]};
if (this.options.width) this.w = {'width': [this.elements[i].offsetWidth, this.options.fixedWidth || this.elements[i].scrollWidth]};
if (this.options.opacity) this.o = {'opacity': [[i+1]['opacity'] || 0, 1]};

showThisHideOpen: function(iToShow){
if (iToShow != this.previousClick || this.options.alwaysHide){
this.previousClick = iToShow;
var objObjs = {};
var err = false;
var madeInactive = false;
this.elements.each(function(el, i){[i] =[i] || {};
if (i != iToShow){
} else if (this.options.alwaysHide){
if (el.offsetHeight == el.scrollHeight){
 madeInactive = true;
} else if (el.offsetHeight == 0){
} else {
 err = true;
} else if (this.options.wait && this.timer){
this.previousClick = 'nan';
err = true;
} else {
objObjs[i+1] = Object.extend(this.h, Object.extend(this.o, this.w));
}, this);
if (err) return;
if (!madeInactive), this.togglers[iToShow]);
this.togglers.each(function(tog, i){
if (i != iToShow || madeInactive), tog);
}, this);
return this.custom(objObjs);



<script type='text/javascript'>


/* setup tooltips */
var as = [];

if (a.getAttribute(&#39;title&#39;)) as.push(a);

new Tips(as, {maxOpacity: 0.9, maxTitleChars: 25});


<style type='text/css'>
div.tooltip {
width: 200px;
color: #fff;
text-align: center;
div.tooltip h4 {
color: #fff;
font-weight: bold;
text-shadow: 2px 2px 1px #222;
margin: 0;
padding: 13px 10px 5px;
background: url( top left no-repeat !important;
background: url( top left no-repeat;
font-size: 11px;
div.tooltip p {
margin: 0;
padding: 0 10px 15px;
text-shadow: 2px 2px 1px #222;
background: url( bottom left no-repeat !important;
background: url( bottom left no-repeat;
font-size: 10px;

4.Now when you add alink use below html structure:


Look at the example below.

<a href="" title="Blogger Hacks">Latest Blogger Tips</a>

It will look like this:

MooTools Tooltip
MooTools Tooltip to blogger

You are done.

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